Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Worries and planning ahead

I had a little spotting this morning when I made my first potty stop that scared me a little.  Again, given my past experience I know how dramatic a problem is, so I am not freaking out.  One more week until my next appointment, but I feel eager for it to check in and make sure all still sounds good there.  I get why some people buy their own fetal heart monitors.

My skin continues to be itchy on my back, but my stomach and chest are better at this point.

I did start a registry, not because I want people to buy me stuff - quite the contrary - but I know I can get a discount on items through Amazon if they're on my list.  It's also forcing me to research some items and determine what type of things we'd want and what the differences are (like carseats - infant or convertible).  This is going to be a lot of research.