Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Who loves you?

It's fun to ask a 2 1/2 year old questions to see what type of answer you get.  Last night I asked her who loved her.  After the standard response of Mommy and Daddy she remembered that Jesus loves her and followed that with Mary!  We don't know a Mary, at least I don't think we do, so I like to think she's talking about The Mary.

Avery is doing well feeding herself things like yogurt without making a tremendous mess.  She's gotten so much better at pushing the pedals on her bike on her own.  She's having some good days and some less than great days with using the potty.  All in all, she may not be learning all of the things she'd learn at school, but she is picking up other things here at home.  I do need to keep pressing on getting her to spell and write her name, but we have time - lots and lots of time from the sound of it.