Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Rebel rebel

We're starting to get tastes of surly behavior.  It's age appropriate and normal, but super frustrating.  Avery has begun saying no in response to requests for her to do things.  I'm told she stuck her tongue out at school (which has to be where she learned that too).  The hitting and swatting amped up a little again when she's displeased with what you're telling her.

The latest is not wanting to wear what I'm trying to put on her.  It's pretty hard to get a shirt on a kid that doesn't want it on.  The past two days all she wants is the owl shirt, one she wore (and dirtied) on Sunday.

She's getting big and independent, but at the same time she still says she's a baby.  I know the time will come when she says "I'm not a baby!" so I'm embracing this all and telling her she will always be my baby but that she's my big girl too.

I'm hoping nicer weather and more activities will help us get past some of this phase.  We've been trying to take advantage of a small dose of warmer weather.  Sunday we were outside coloring with chalk and Monday we went for a short walk and rode on her tricycle after she left school.  It was nice enough that they even had the kids in the playground at the end of the day.