Monday, March 16, 2020


As of Wednesday, Avery will be home with me... the whole COVID-19 thing has closed us down.  I know posting this comes as no surprise to anyone, but I'm recording it for my own notes, because hopefully one day we'll look back and it will have been a blip.

Most places seemed to have locked the doors over the weekend, so we're lucky to get two "extra" days at daycare before the closure goes into effect.  It is going to be a challenge, but I'm hoping that I can work when she sleeps and supplement with my saved up vacation time to get through.  Of course, none of us really know how long it is that we'll need to "get through", just a minimum of two weeks.

So far I've been able to get the things I think we'll need.  I'm hopeful that our supply chain will remain stable, so we can continue to get replenishment of milk and fresh fruits.  But if we can't I have enough here to last us for a while, I just can't imagine how displeased Avery would be with some of the foods that would remain.