Sunday, April 12, 2020

All dressed up and nowhere to go

We did put Avery's Easter dress on today, even though we had no where to go.  She found her eggs that led her to her Easter basket and had fun playing with her new toys.  She got her big Easter gift last weekend, a climbing dome out back.  Good thing to have to help keep her busy and worn out.  Then we had our dinner here at home, some bake and serve cookies that Avery helped me put on the cookie tray to bake, some time outside with a walk.

I guess we'll never know how she would have done with the Easter bunny this year.  There's something sad about that.  We video chatted with Aunt Jackie and our buddy Mr. B today but that's still not the same as being out and about.  I don't know when life will get to go back to normal.  When the time comes I wonder how Avery will adjust back to school and other activities.