Tuesday, June 4, 2019


In addition to "no bite", Avery also says "no push" and "no kick".  The best part was discovering she hates kazoos.  She immediately made a fretty face, said "no, no mommy, no" and then took the kazoo and put it down.  She's repeated this action several times including with her father.

She continues to be struggling at Little Gym.  She doesn't want to participate in the time on the mat unless she is carried - that kind of defeats the purpose. Once I can get her going she is usually ok, but some days that initial happiness is hard to find.  Of course, it doesn't help when one of the other kids then tackles her or pulls her hair, sending her into a crying fit.

She is a sweet girl.  Not an angel, but I can say I have not witnessed her doing the tackling, at least not yet.  She will also say "bless you" when you sneeze (that sweet little voice).

Avery has also been initiating walks and managing to go pretty far before she needs to get carried or placed into the stroller.  Her stamina is quite remarkable!