Sunday, June 9, 2019

What tomorrow may bring

I've been getting way too many glimmers of the future. This evening as Avery jumped on my bed, she sat down for a minute. When I asked if she wanted to cuddle she repeated "cuddle", so I lied down beside her. She then said "hand". So, we sat there watching TV for a few minutes holding hands cuddled up close.

Downstairs she's now able to sit on the couch and play with a toy. There isn't as much need to worry about her falling or running off - although it still happens from time to time... The running off part that is - I certainly hope she doesn't fall!

She seems to know all of the words anymore... and her repertoire is ever-expanding.  It could be because she's a little obsessed with books. Unfortunately for me it's often the same couple of books night after night after night.