Monday, January 14, 2019

Daycare Drama!

Our daycare was in the process of being sold.  Unfortunately, it sounds like the new owner's application was denied.  We learned about this Saturday evening rather abruptly from the current owner in a message saying the daycare was closing effective immediately (quite contrary to the plan that had been laid out).  Talk about a shock to the system.

I hate change.  I hate uncertainty.  I hate feeling like there is nothing I can do (that's pretty much the definition of needing to find a new daycare on a weekend night).  More than ANY of that, I loathe the thought of Avery being thrust into a scary/new situation that I can't explain to her in a way she would understand.

While I solved the need to obtain care I feel good about both for the immediate (this week) through the graciousness of a friend and neighbor and the assist of their nanny and for the longer term (starting next week) at a center that seems to have a program that seems like a good place for Avery to keep growing and learning... I can't eliminate the change in Avery's world.  I know that we'll look back after the dust is settled and all will be well, but right now I remain a bit stressed and trying to shake it off.

We're going to miss Avery's teachers. Maybe even one of her friends will join us there too.  I am hopeful that maybe we'll see someone at our new place as they are hiring and taking other students, but I know that's a long shot.

I prayed for guidance to know the right place and I do feel like I was pointed in a direction that points back to God, so I am trusting in Him that this is the place for us.