Friday, May 11, 2018

Our First Thank You for Allowing me to be your Mama Day

I never thought there would be a day when someone wished me "Happy Mother's Day"  either out of not realizing I didn't have children or because they knew how much I loved my dogs and addressed them as my babies, but here we are.  This weekend I celebrate my first Mother's Day with my baby in my arms (I guess in my mind I allowed myself to celebrate a little last year too, but this year it's so very real).

I joked that Avery took me for dinner (Chic-Fila) and shopping last night.  I ended up buying myself a couple of pairs of shorts and a beautiful rose gold and diamond ring on which I splurged as a memory of my first Mother's day.  While we were at Chic-Fila I went about as I normally do, eating and talking to her, holding her on my lap when I am not working on eating the sandwich, tickling her, giving her kisses, and allowing her to explore things (like the crumpled up bag).  In general - enjoying her and trying to ensure that she isn't disrupting anyone else around us.

As the table across from us left a woman stopped and said how much she enjoyed watching our interactions (noting all of the kisses) and stating "she is truly a loved baby".  My heart is touched.  I love this little girl so very much and I'm glad that you can see that from a mile away.  I know I won't get everything right, heck I'll be lucky to get half of it right, but last night I felt like a good Mom and I appreciated hearing it.