Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Cute Personality

This girl.  I wanted to document some of the cuteness before I forget the time frame in which it all happened, so here you go...  I need to get video of these, but it's hard to do without an extra hand and some way to keep her from spotting the phone/camera.

For a while now, Avery gets excited when she notices you have a drink.  She makes a big O with her mouth, clenches her hands, and vibrates.  That's in addition to when she spots her bottle and starts reaching for it excitedly.

Last night while sitting on my knee she also started bouncing trying to get me to bounce her more.  It was only two or three days ago that she realized the Exersaucer allows her to bounce too and she loves it.

Last night when I turned on her show before bed (we've been watching and loving Word Party), she started to turn to look at the TV right at the start of the intro music.

Since my last post, I also need to report that we've tried pears.

Also, while we put her down for the night on her back she is on her belly every morning.  The crib was dropped down lower too just in case the first time she decided to pull herself up to standing was in the crib.

Finally, I want to note that her Easter Basket arrived and is absolutely beautiful.  I went with the handwoven oval pink/purple/white one from  I had them do a purple liner and a brass name plate that reads "1 Corinthians 13:13 God bless Avery Violet".