Monday, December 4, 2017

Starting Christmas Memories Now

We purchased the artificial Christmas tree that Avery will grow up with!  I guess in my head I someday see her looking at the tree, rolling her eyes, and asking if we can get a real one or a new one.  Then someday years later wanting to have the tree because it's the one she knew all those years.  Maybe I'm too nostalgic and sentimental.  I also have a tree skirt and new personalized stockings on the way.

I'm really hoping the stockings get here this week.  We have her Christmas photos on Saturday, I'd love (if she fits) to put her in her stocking for one of them.  Once I get those done it'll be rush rush rush to print photos and stuff them in family Christmas cards so those can go out.

A few other things of note:  we are now making more tones when we coo.  She also has a much more robust and angry cry she deploys at points.  Wheew.  Yesterday was rough until she crashed out for an afternoon nap.  On Saturday, as we sat on the bed for a little while I turned on Alton Brown.  She immediately craned her head to try and look at the TV.  When I turned her body so she could see the TV she stared intently with a big smile on her face.  I think we might have a foodie on our hands.  At least she has good taste!  She also watches us a little differently than she did when we are eating in front of her.  I think she'll be wanting what we have pretty fast.