Friday, December 1, 2017

She must not like that outfit

Avery has not, to this point, been much for spitting up after she eats.  This has been a wonderful blessing.  This morning just didn't go my way.  I was up 15 minutes earlier than normal - high on the fact that she slept the whole way through the night!  I took my time feeding her and then burped her.  Mid-burp she pooped.  Since she didn't go yesterday at daycare she was overdue, but it's rare to get one in the morning.  Fine, open the outfit back up and change the diaper.

Time to leave so I put her down in the car seat and she spits up a little on herself.  Ok, back upstairs and change the outfit.  I put her into the cute onesie with the silver heart on it - the outfit she was in right before Thanksgiving and puked up good at daycare first thing in the morning.  Back down stairs and further into the car seat and she spits up once again - this time getting the strap and snap/buckle.  I guess she doesn't like the onesie with the silver heart?  Back upstairs and it was time to employ some help to get both her changed and the car seat cleaned up because at this point I'm now running behind.  So, sorry Daddy, but you gotta get out of bed.

I admit I wanted to have a toddler tantrum.  No fair!  On a serious note, I do hope this isn't a new trend or shift in typical.  I was so happy she wasn't a spit up kind of girl.  Maybe I didn't get enough out when I burped her.