Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Dropping her off at daycare

I'd like to say I'm one of those people who didn't cry, but who am I kidding?  I used to cry when I left the dogs at the kennel.  Of course I cried dropping Avery off at daycare.  I was crying last night as I prepared to do so this morning.

It just stinks knowing someone else will see her for more of her waking hours than I will each day.  They will get the smiles she offers up, they will be the one that she gets comfort from when crying -- she's going to bond with some stranger.

Paid maternity leave needs to be a whole heck of a lot longer.  Better still, can I be independently wealthy?

Now starts a whole other chapter, where instead of picking her up to feed her quickly while I keep working I am pumping, pouring it off into bottles, cleaning up after said pumping and praying that I get enough to send in each day.