Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Lighting up like a light bulb

It almost feels like you can see Avery progressing by leaps and bounds.  Last night on the playmat she was very attentive, especially to the noises of the rattle.  After I took her hand to push the rattle a couple of times she was able to connect a few times on her own.  She woke today so very alert and full of smiles that I didn't need to coax from her.  Then, when I put her in the swing she looked up expectantly waiting for the mobile to start going.

I know everyone thinks their kid is superior, but I know there is a bright light in this bulb!

I foolishly climbed on my scale with and without her last night.  Sure, it only measures to the half a lb, but that's enough to see that we're still not forcing the scale past the 8 lb mark.  It frustrates me so much and fills me with sadness.  I've been taking fenugreek pills for a few days now in an effort to up my production and I'm not seeing a change, at least not yet.