Friday, March 2, 2012

They said it.

Results back today on the second blood draw, only got them I think because I called there - which kind of irritates me. Down to 83.5 on the HCG, so dropping. The nurse I spoke with actually said it out loud that I definitely had a miscarriage, so there you have it.

I'm still hurting in waves. This morning and this evening walking out into the cold air just sent my bits into spasms. I took a warm shower and cuddled with the heating pad for an hour to get to the point that I'm writing this now.

Of course when I called the doctors were all gone from the office and she "didn't know what to tell me - go to the ER?" Why didn't I get a call back about the order for a sonogram that I had mentioned to the receptionist on Thursday when I stopped to get the order for the blood draw?

When the waves of pain hit the ER does sound like an option, but the panic that would ensue if a male doctor was ready to head down that way keeps me from going there. When I feel better, like now, I am able to delude myself for a short period of time that maybe, just maybe it will go away on its own.