Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Looking for a man

I know, three posts in a row seems crazy, but I have to catch up to where I am in my thought process now that I decided to document this in a blog.

Last night I did my first search on a sperm bank website out of curiosity last night, California Cryobank to be specific.  It's funny, the first donor I looked at sounded phenomenal.  In addition to matching my default criteria (blue eyes, darker hair, 6' or taller, white) he was also quite intelligent, into physics and music, and even enjoyed watching hockey.  A few searches later, and he was still the only one I "saved".  Surely picking a donor isn't like picking a birthday card (admit to yourself how many times you look for a half an hour and then return to one you first picked up).

Now again, how quickly could a picture or a voice ruin that 'wow - he seems awesome' perception?  Maybe this is a lesson I need to learn in dating too?