Saturday, October 5, 2019

Another notable leap

Periodically Avery says or does something that feels so significant, it tends to be something said or done so clearly and unprompted that really makes me aware of how much she is growing and progressing.  Last night she looked up from her dinner (unprompted in any way) and said "please may I get milk".  Sure it should be "may I have milk" but this is a huge leap from "milk".  I'm impressed.

We are definitely at the stage where I know she's learning a ton that may not be apparent.  A few examples:
- She tests boundaries.  When I tell her no and indicate that if she continues to do or not do something (usually eating) what the repercussion will be she tends to snap to... or continue in the same manner with a grin staring at me.
- I downloaded an app focused on learning letters.  In one edu-game it shows 4 balloons, each with a different letter and the characters asks them to click one of those letters.  How often she got it right on the first or second try wasn't luck and many of her 'mistakes' appeared to be obvious because she'd giggle when the character would say "uh huh" and wag his finger before she'd click that same incorrect answer again.

Several leaps are apparent as we get ready in the morning.  She loves routine as much as I do.  A day I was running late and it was clear she had already pottied in her diaper I tried to skip having her sit on the potty.  She cried the whole way to school saying "no potty".

On another day she didn't want this skirt she wanted the purple one.  Then she wanted the green shirt to go with the purple skirt and the halloween socks.  Another time I tried to get away with not putting the second hair gummy in her hair that she had pulled (it looked good pulled with a single pony).  She reached up and touched her pony and immediately whined that she wanted two.

I am in so much trouble.