Monday, May 13, 2019

Truly a happy mother('s day)

This mother's day Avery's daddy called her away from the living room and she returned with a card and a box in hand for me.  In addition to the hoops she helped me pick out a few weeks ago, she presented me with cute floweresque silver and diamond studs and a card customized with her writing.  Of course I immediately started to cry.  I can't imagine what a mess I'll be as she gets older and executes her own ideas/creations for me.  Her daddy was also sweet enough to get me a plant/flower when he picked one up for his Mom the night before.

We headed to visit her Nonna as well and had a great meal prepared by the Dads.  It was a nice day, despite the rain.

I love this little girl.  I'm so proud and honored to be her mother.  She is truly my greatest achievement, by deepest love, and the sun, moon, and stars in my world.