Monday, February 26, 2018

Consonant Sounds and the 6 Month Mark

Since my last post Avery has added green beans, and a necessary trial of prunes, to her diet.  I can say that the prunes work very well.  She was making some pretty good effort to get the nuggets out prior.  They weren't hard, but they remained balled up in her tiny crack.  After the prunes however a little bit of effort managed to get it all out... and up her back and on the (new) couch and on Daddy's hoodie.  This happened after her bath, so bonus.

This past Thursday, February 22nd marked 26 weeks for Avery, but Saturday was the 6 month mark if you go by the date on the calendar.  Either way, my baby is a half a year old already!  She's already knocking out the 6 month milestones as I've heard b-, d-, and p- sounds from her.  We joked that one comment from her was "I pooped".  Of course with the d- sound coming already I'm trying to prepare myself that "Mom" won't be the first word, but who knows - I think I'm still in the running.