Monday, November 20, 2017

Please hold... your call is important to us.

While I continue to work I have been sitting on hold a bit this morning.  First a call to Vital Records to make sure they received and processed the correction from the Acknowledgement of Paternity paperwork.  Then messing around to order a new birth certificate.  $30... because THEY screwed up and sent our original AOP back instead of processing it.  That pleased me.  Best part - it could take up to 14 weeks to get it.

Now I'm hold once again waiting for the Social Security Office.  I hope they pick up before I need to be on another call for work or my hour long wait will be for naught.  If they still can't help me now that I have _a_ copy of her birth certificate w/ a record number on it I'll be very displeased, especially since I'll be at a total of 2 hours on hold for this matter.  Why why why didn't they do their job and process her SSN?

Update:  They answered just in time... but of course, cannot help me, because - get this - I don't have her social security number.  I have to go into the office with her birth certificate AND a shot record (uhhh).