Friday, April 27, 2012

Feeling the the world is against me.

I was woken this morning at 5am by pain near my left ovary area.  Pretty sure I was ovulating I then tested this morning when I got up and got a second line, paler than the main, but a line none the less - which is still suppose to indicate positive.  Mid-day I had a bit of a change in mucus, but not like it typically is... so when I got home I retested and got a negative (after the first test went haywire and gave me an invalid reading).  So now I really don't know what the deal is.

I guess I'll continue to test this weekend (pretend this morning didn't happen) and hope to get a positive later in at the end of the weekend - when it was suppose to come.  If not, I guess I have them ship it back, I pay for storage, and I pay to ship it back here again next month.  Gee, what a great savings this free sample is turning out to be.  :(