Thursday, May 19, 2011

Attempt 2, one day early

I was keeping an eye on the tracking information and my fingers crossed this morning. Imagine my delight when I saw at 9:51am that the specimen was delivered! I called and was able to get shifted to a 11am appointment this morning.

In my reading I've found various answers on timing. Most of what I saw says about 24-48 hours after the LH surge, which concurs with what my doctor's office says, but that's just the release of the egg. From there I've read you've got 12-24 hours before it is lost. Now given that my first check, on Tuesday evening read positive, as did my test Wednesday afternoon, I'd THINK that means 11am today was about the 48 hour mark or a little over. You'd think that would be the perfect time frame. I guess we'll see if/when my period comes - which I suspect will be early again this month.

Now, all sounded well, but - to my surprise - my doctor was actually there and available this morning! Around noon I'm actually in there and she comes in saying "we need to talk". She then proceeded to say she had some in a slide and there isn't much moving in there. Then she asks where I got the samples from.

Yes, all of my specimens were saying 35%-ish for motility and around 10mil counts. 35% clearly, the most rudimentary of math, isn't all of them swimming like crazy... but is that that bad as to have the doctor say that? I don't what to think exactly, but it is disheartening. I guess it only takes one.