Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ultrasound - not how I ever imagined it

Headed in once again this morning, today for an ultrasound. Now, if you're like me you're imagining the one you see on TV. Well, if I had read the paperwork they gave me before I was waiting for my appointment I would have known I was instead getting a transvaginal sonography. Yep, it's what it sounds like. At least it wasn't as uncomfortable as a normal yearly exam.

I also got to talk to the nurse and got my test results from last week back. All looked good yadda yadda, and most importantly to ME is that I now know my blood type, which is A+. They didn't say if I was Rh- or Rh+, but I'm betting + since that is the norm. At least I have one more factor by which to shop donors with.