Tuesday, January 4, 2011

First Doctor Appointment

It's a new year and the first new step came about... today I had my first doctor's appointment, meeting my new gynocologist, talking to her about my intentions, and, yes - heading to get blood drawn as the next first step.

Go figure I had to go to a blood draw office where I knew someone, and yes, she is the one that checked me in, so I got to shock someone else with this "news".  7 vials of blood and several hours later I finally got to head to work.  Even if I don't go all the way with this I'll know what my blood type is.

The other first steps I need to start up on is tracking my ovulation, taking prenatals, and taking some folic acid.  My next appointment is set for Thursday the 13th, and we'll do a sonogram.  Talk about a seeming whirlwind.