Tuesday, October 26, 2021

Spidey can dance

We are going to get our money's worth out of this year's Halloween costume.  Last night Avery was allowed to wear her costume to dance class.  I used this to bargain with her indicating she could wear her costume if she tried and participated at dance.  It worked!  She said she had fun, so that was a big win.

Tonight we might pop in at the chiropractor's office as they're doing a little thing for kiddos in costume.  Tomorrow is the drive through howl-o-week at the humane society which I already grabbed a free ticket for.  We can drop off a bag of food we have to donate too.  Friday is the school party, so fortunately I have Thursday night free to make cupcakes.  Sunday is the big day.

Back to those cupcakes -- wish me luck.  I am not going to be fancy, but I have some candy eyeballs -- I think I'm going to grab some oreos and decorating icing to create spiders on top of each cupcake.