Saturday, December 31, 2022

A great year

I am happy to say that Avery was very happy with her Christmas presents, even though they weren't exactly what she asked for.  We got to visit with lots of folks and enjoy our little break.  As we head into another long weekend for New Years we have plans to hang out with her bestie for a movie.

It really has been a great year, but it's gone so fast.  As we head into 2023 I suspect it will go even faster as we register for Kindergarten and all those things.  I intend to reserve some quality time with her before school gets into full swing.  It is a wild ride, but she's the best.

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Santa Baby

Santa and I have been in close communication the past few weeks.  Avery has been pretty consistent in what she has been asking for of him - as she was in past years as well.  He had a bit of a misfire with one item, but I hear that he was able to get the right one in, here we are just a few days before he flies.

Santa definitely owes this kid everything on her (short) wishlist.  She's the best.  So helpful and polite.  My only worry is that Avery has an extra dose of the people-pleaser nature that often causes me strife.  She does so many things that I think are rare for young kids (putting her dishes where they belong, picking up after herself w/o being asked, feeding the cat and dogs w/o being asked, etc) - but then she often says something to make sure I know she did it.  Perhaps it is just that one of her dominant love languages is words of affirmation and she's seeking them.  I will need to make sure her tank gets filled and see how she does with that.

Wednesday, October 12, 2022

Fall Fun

Girl has been having a big time so far this month.  She and I have taken off every Friday in October to enjoy the seasonal activities and have cut out a bit early a few days this week to enjoy company.

In September we enjoyed the Oktoberfest here in town.  So far this month we have hit the Houston Pumpkin Festival and their Halloween parade. We would have gone to the Hickory Apple Festival but the rain kept us away.  Instead we hit the apple orchard to get our 'supplies' for other activities (read:  applesauce!).

This week Aunt Jackie came to visit and Aunt Susanne stopped in for a few days.  We've been all about the games and fun.

She did go to her yearly dr visit and comes in at 44 lbs, 3'8" - she is in the 95% for both. Lots of changes in leadership at school going on too, but we're rolling with it.

Thursday, August 25, 2022

Time flies, look who is 5!

 Where has the past month and a half gone.  Heck, where has the past 5 years gone?

It's true!  I have a 5 year old now.  She was off of school and I was off of work.  She got to decide what she wanted to eat all day and we went to the trampoline park for a bit of fun. There was time to play with our neighbor friends, time to open presents, and time to eat some cake.

This year's theme is, as previously mentioned, Batman.  The cake turned out awesome.  The colors and look is spot on to the inspo pictures I provided the bakery.  This year we went with Canonsburg Cake Company.  Taste wise, it is good - the icing is a bit grainy, but pleasing... at least to me.  Shockingly, she didn't like the cake.  I maintain that she tried the Batman logo, which was fondant and was turned off.

I will pick up the cupcakes tomorrow for her party with friends and family on Saturday. Right now it looks like the weather will cooperate - no rain and in the lower 80s.

What else have we been up to?  As I mentioned, time is flying, but there has been a few trips to the pool and a few trips to the trampoline park to mention.  We have also been caring for a foster kittie family!  Her Pre-K2 year has started this week as well.  She is in Miss Donna's class with some of her old friends and a few new names (new to me at least).

Sunday, July 3, 2022

Quality Time

The past so many days have been all about quality time with Avery's bestie, Luke.  We went to Idlewild a week ago and had a blast at the park and in the water area.  She is fearless on the rides. All was awesome until the very end of the day when she toppled on the swinging bridge and scuffed up both knees pretty good.  She's okay, but I was a bit worried as I ran up the tower what I was going to find.  We are pretty lucky as far as boo-boos go.  There haven't been too many so far.  *fingers crossed for the next 5 years*

This (long) weekend she got to hang out at his place watching fireworks last night.  Today they got to swim together.  Tomorrow is the town parade -- yep, together.  I adore his parents, so it is good quality time for me too.

Birthday party planning has begun.  We know 100% we want a Batman theme and I am pretty set on going to Simmon's farm.  I hope that the weather isn't scorching come the end of August.

Friday, June 17, 2022

Trophy Child

She did it!  Avery has her first trophy (for her dance recital).  She is proud of it and took it to school today for show and tell.  She did dance, thank goodness she didn't freeze up.

Last night we cuddled for a little while and watched various videos from the last 4 1/2 years.  How she has grown and evolved.  She continues to make me so happy and proud.  Time needs to slow down, it is all slipping through my fingers.

Wednesday, June 8, 2022

End of the Year

While Avery isn't in "school" we are definitely getting a taste of the end of school year activities this year.

Her first dance recital is on Sunday  I have to admit, I'm glad the dance season is over.  I'm not sure if we'll have the over the top gal or the run and hide gal on that stage.

The paper came home, she moves to the Pre-K 2 class on the 13th... you know, as the current class "graduates" (gowns and all).  I can't believe next year that will be her.

We did get out and about with her best buddy at the trampoline park and swimming the weekend before last.  We also went swimming at town park for the first time this year -- here's to another year with a season pass.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Ready for Summer

We have had a lot of colder weather.  It was pretty nice yesterday and today so we spent some time outside.  It feels so good.  Yesterday Avery spent some time on her swing set, today she road her bike out front.

A week and a half ago our favorite consignment store had the Easter Bunny stop in for a visit.  We definitely got a keeper photo with the bunny this year.  Her face is epic.

I measured her and she's definitely above 42".  I think that means a few more options will be open to her at Idlewild this year.

Sunday, April 3, 2022

Bigger and Bunnies

This past week Avery got her second ever hair cut.  I left it to Avery to answer the hair stylist on what she wanted.  Hence, we have a little girl w/ hair to her shoulders. I could have cried when she went that short. I know it will grow back, but I'm a little sad.

This weekend had us meeting with the Easter bunny twice.  Avery remains not a big fan.  This of course makes for some fairly funny photos.

While we were out and about we visited with her Aunt Mandy.  In order to ride in Aunt Mandy's car we took along Avery's booster seat, which she got to ride in for the first time -- talk about a big girl!

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Becoming Obsolete

I am (becoming obsolete) that is.  When they're little it feels like there are milestones every other day.  Now that things are spaced out a bit I am not doing a very good job of recording all of the things that Avery can do now.  Where do we start?

She helps by running the smaller vacuum to get the dog fur up.  She can buckle herself in and pull it tight enough now - sometimes she can manage to get it unbuckled too.  I often had her feed the cat at least 1 of the 2 times a day; now she also wants to be the one to feed the dogs too.

She passed the 100 days of school mark for this year and they celebrated with an ice cream party.  The intent was that they should be able to count to 100 at this point, which she can -- for the most part.  She still skips #13 frequently and sometimes needs a nudge to remember how to turn the corner from a x9 to the next y0 value.

Daycare is now closing rooms due to shortages of staff.  *sigh* Avery's room is victim this coming Wednesday.  Closures are getting old.  So is the lack of change on other fronts:  I stuck my foot out last week and wrote a letter to the church with regard to the continued masking and got fairly well dismissed.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

It's a Monster!

Avery's best bud's parents invited us along to Monster Jam!  Avery has watched some on TV/phone and seemed to enjoy it.  Both she and her buddy love cars.

I wasn't sure how she'd feel about the earplugs, but being the always concerned Mom I had both my larger ear protection and the small ones that go in the ears to offer her as she preferred.  She did leave my larger protection on during the event.  Turns out they had part of a suite from work - so we were pampered, well fed, and able to have a few drinks.  The kids had a blast.  What more can you ask for?

Reading what is Important

Friday was Avery's Valentine's day party at school.  We readied our treats with a card on the outside. I wrote each name as I prepared the gifts.  When we arrived at school she wanted to put them into the bins for each of her friends.  I can't tell you how impressed I am that as I handed her each one she was able to read the name.  Proof they are all working to learn how to spell their names, but gosh it made me proud.  She even made the leap from the one girl who goes by a nickname (which is what I put on the card) to her full name on the bin. I am a very proud mama.

Sunday, January 30, 2022

On a roll

Avery went bowling for the first time today!  No bumpers for us, but we did make use of the little ramp to help her out.  She loved it and did pretty well.  50 and 85.  More remarkable, not trying to steal the show, but I had a 112 and a 174.  That's pretty good for me - especially after 5 years plus of not bowling and a frozen shoulder last year.

We also went to DQ after and Avery had her first ever blizzard!  She is getting to the age where she can do so much more and actually enjoy it.  I need to start planning some day trips for the summer.

I scored a used student flute from someone formerly in the comunity.  Now I need to refresh my skills enough to start teaching kiddo.

I needed this quality time with her. Last week Mommy had a very jealous moment with her.  Daddy was sick and stayed away for a while, so I get why she was all about him.  It was shutting the door in my face twice that pushed me over the edge.  I at least found a way to explain how I felt to her and we had a talk.  I really want to be able to talk to her about things in general and I hope it helps her understand how normal her feelings are as she gets older.

We also had a talk tonight about our conscious.  I was pretty impressed, during the convo I asked if she remembered what they talked about at church yesterday and she nailed it - love.

Wednesday, January 19, 2022

Snow Fun

We had enough snow on Sunday into Monday, so part of Monday (school was closed due to weather) was spent out back with the sled.  Avery had as much of a blast throwing snow at me and the dog as she did climbing back up the small hill and riding the sled back down.  Her snow clothes work a bit too well so I had to lure her inside with the promise of hot cocoa.

Things were clear enough by the end of the day to get to dance class.  She seems to be enjoying it overall, but does have moments here and there where she shuts down and doesn't want to proceed in class.  This prompted a quick chat with her dance teacher who indicated she is very confident that Avery can do it and that she is considering putting her in the front row for the recital.