Saturday, August 15, 2020

A comforting vision

I pray a lot for this kid.  On Friday I finished up my work a little bit early, although, not as early as I had wanted.  I took a few minutes out back pulling some weeds before I went to pick up Avery.  During my drudgery work I was praying.  My thoughts were about God always being with Avery and watching over her, that He would be with her and she would know Him.  I believe that children have an easier time hearing His voice, so I also prayed that she might be gifted in that regard.  I noted even in my prayers that I know we aren't to test God for 'signs' or 'answers'.

I then headed to get her from school.  We were headed for ice cream at Sarris because she had a banner day potty wise at school and because it was Friday -- we both deserved a treat.  I quickly realized we'd be crazy early for a curbside order, so I turned around to go to Dollar General.  Stopped at the light in front of the White Eagle club she says from the back seat "is that Jesus?"

I looked all around and no one was on the sidewalk there or near the parking lot on the side.  I asked her where and she pointed out the window in the direction I was looking.  Imagine my surprise as it settled in.  I asked her what he was doing and she said he was sitting there.  Thank you Lord.

Laying in bed I was curious so I pulled up the stereotypical photos of Jesus on google images and asked her who it was -- she said Jesus.  I don't have tons of pictures of him around the house nor do I recall pointing him out in the small cards I do have.  I am sure she's seen photos elsewhere, but stilll!