Monday, December 9, 2019

A song and a meal

Remember when we fought to get Avery eating chunks of food?  She's doing great with many things and I've not had to worry much lately.  Yesterday I made mashed potatoes and she was refusing them (my mashed potatoes are often called whipped as they're smooth, like Mom's were).  When we did get her to take a bite it was triggering her gag reflex, what's up with that?!  She gladly ate the brussels sprouts that went with the meal without issue.  Go figure.

At bed time Avery continues to want to dance and/or sing.  Last night she regaled me with the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, and a few verses of Old MacDonald.  She remembers a good bit of the words with some minor revisions which are incredibly adorable.  For example:  "Old MacDonald had a pig" (instead of a farm) and then when she wanted to sing about the pig in a subsequent verse "Old MacDonald had a pig _again_"  More friends continue to indicate that her voice is very clear and easy to understand.