Thursday, March 20, 2014

Today's appt wasn't what I was hoping for - a big not recommended on the use of drugs to help ensure ovulation timing and a request to talk with one of the other doctors, a male doctor.  Now, one thing I have made it to this point in my life without is a male gynecologist and I'd like to keep it that way.  As she said though, just a talking meeting and he'd probably be okay with one of the females doing the actual IUI procedure - if I decided to do it in office.  The other alternative presented to me was something called
'the stork' which could potentially allow me to do what needs done at home, that COULD solve some of the timing issues (weekends and reducing the stress of not being able to go in when I actually ovulate).

I guess I'm going off of my pills and going to start tracking ovulation and periods.  We'll see.