Sunday, May 26, 2024

Fellow Grads

Last night Avery got to hang out with our neighbors a few doors down.  The eldest is also a K grad.  Today she got to go hang with her bestie.  Summer is off to a good start.  Doubt I can keep up that pace of action packed fun for her, but I am sure she will have a great summer.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

First Grade Here We Come!

Just like that, Kindergarten is over.  Today we celebrated with Avery's graduation ceremony.  It was nicely done and the kids did a great job.  Her answer to what she wants to be when she grows up... "Work on my computer from home" got a pretty good chuckle from me.  We went for a post-ceremony breakfast and later went to meet her bestie at the trampoline house.  It was a good day.

This means that she will now be here at the house while I work.  Time to come up with a schedule to keep her learning and engaging her brain rather than sitting like a log in front of the tv.